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Learn From The Experts At High Country Gardens

The natural world needs champions now more than ever. Water sources are limited, wildlife habitat is declining, and climate disruption is affecting all of us. That’s why our gardens must be more than just beautiful. We need to adapt our gardening practices. Sustainability begins in your backyard – learn more about how you can grow plants with a purpose to conserve water, provide natural nectar for pollinators, and create habitat.

Sign up for our email series and learn how you can transform your yard to support a thriving ecosystem.

Our sustainable gardening guides cover:

  1. An Intro To Our Sustainable Backyard Learning Center
  2. Essential Steps For Waterwise Gardening
  3. Cultivating Natural Nectar For Pollinators
  4. Habitat Creation For Birds & Pollinators
  5. Before & After Stories Of Waterwise Yard Transformations

Together we can make a difference, one garden at a time.